

Error - The item cannot be listed or modified. The title and/or description may contain improper words, or the listing or seller may be in violation of eBay policy.|The item location of this listing is outside of Greater China.<br />
<br />
eBay requires sellers to accurately describe where the item is located, as well as upload tracking for successful transactions, etc.<br />
<br />
For more information, please see review the following:<br />
<a href=""https://www.ebay.com/help/policies/listing-policies/item-location-misrepresentation-policy?id=4244"" target=""_blank"">https://www.ebay.com/help/policies/listing-policies/item-location-misrepresentation-policy?id=4244</a><br />
<br />
You must revise your item location to reflect Greater China in order to list.<br />
<br />
If you are a managed account, please contact your account manager, or go through the Greater China business verification process (<a href=""https://emp.ebay.com.hk"" target=""_blank"">https://emp.ebay.com.hk</a>) to validate your information to be considered for offering your item outside of Greater China.<font color=""#757575"" size=""1"">{e223559-1259872x}</font>|1259872|The item location of this listing is outside of Greater China.<br />
<br />
eBay requires sellers to accurately describe where the item is located, as well as upload tracking for successful transactions, etc.<br />
<br />
For more information, please see review the following:<br />
<a href=""https://www.ebay.com/help/policies/listing-policies/item-location-misrepresentation-policy?id=4244"" target=""_blank"">https://www.ebay.com/help/policies/listing-policies/item-location-misrepresentation-policy?id=4244</a><br />
<br />
You must revise your item location to reflect Greater China in order to list.<br />
<br />
If you are a managed account, please contact your account manager, or go through the Greater China business verification process (<a href=""https://emp.ebay.com.hk"" target=""_blank"">https://emp.ebay.com.hk</a>) to validate your information to be considered for offering your item outside of Greater China.<font color=""#757575"" size=""1"">{e223559-1259872x}</font>|The item location of this listing is outside of Greater China. eBay requires sellers to accurately describe where the item is located, as well as upload tracking for successful transactions, etc. For more information, please see review the following: {URL0} You must revise your item location to reflect Greater China in order to list. If you are a managed account, please contact your account manager, or go through the Greater China business verification process ({URL1}) to validate your information to be considered for offering your item outside of Greater China.|ILM_GC_Sellers_non-GreaterChina_location|1259872|https://www.ebay.com/help/policies/listing-policies/item-location-misrepresentation-policy?id=4244|https://www.ebay.com/help/policies/listing-policies/item-location-misrepresentation-policy?id=4244|{URL0}|https://emp.ebay.com.hk|https://emp.ebay.com.hk|{URL1}|



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